Blog Post Top Tips for Attracting Guests to Your Vacation Rental in Chicago

Top Tips for Attracting Guests to Your Vacation Rental in Chicago

Renting out a residential home or an apartment to travelers is a great way to earn a source of partially passive income, generate profits to slowly build your real estate portfolio, or help with mortgage payments on an investment property. But to unlock this happy state of affair...
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Blog Post Essential Guide to Listing Your Home for Rent in Chicago

Essential Guide to Listing Your Home for Rent in Chicago

Currently, around 54% of families in Chicago rent their homes, making it a great place to own an investment property. The average rent is getting close to $2,000, and there are lots of great opportunities for work and other amenities. But to find the right tenants who'll pay ...
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Blog Post 4 Innovative Property Marketing Tactics You Need to Try in Chicago, IL

4 Innovative Property Marketing Tactics You Need to Try in Chicago, IL

In the bustling real estate market of Chicago, properties often get lost in the sea of listings. Imagine having a stunning property that's perfectly priced and located, but it sits idle while lesser properties get snatched up. The problem isn't your property; it's the...
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Blog Post 5 Crucial Eviction Protection Steps to Secure Your Chicago, IL, Home

5 Crucial Eviction Protection Steps to Secure Your Chicago, IL, Home

Eviction notices are dropping into mailboxes across Chicago, and the fear of losing your home can be paralyzing. If you're a renter, the threat of eviction is a real and pressing concern. It's not just about finding another place to live. It's about the stress, the un...
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Blog Post Property Rental for Vacations: Maximizing Your Income Potential

Property Rental for Vacations: Maximizing Your Income Potential

Imagine stepping out onto your private balcony overlooking a breathtaking Chicago view, and realizing that this dreamy vacation spot is actually earning you a hefty income. Yes, you read that right!And we're here to help you make that real estate dream come true. Read on to f...
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Blog Post Top Tips for Buying a Home: A First-Time Buyer's Guide to Chicago, Illinois

Top Tips for Buying a Home: A First-Time Buyer's Guide to Chicago, Illinois

Buying your first home? The stakes couldn't be higher. In a city as vibrant and diverse as Chicago, finding the perfect place isn't merely a transaction; it's a life-changing decision.This guide dives deep into the world of home buying, offering you essential tips to ...
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Blog Post Ways Commercial Property Owners Can Manage Maintenance Expenses

Ways Commercial Property Owners Can Manage Maintenance Expenses

A commercial real estate portfolio has the potential to be extremely lucrative. However, you need a solid maintenance protocol to avoid rising expenses.If you don't tend to your properties regularly, they're subject to various types of property damage. Roofing water damag...
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Blog Post Elements of Effective HOA Meetings and How to Prepare

Elements of Effective HOA Meetings and How to Prepare

Homeowners Associations appeal to families, professionals, and new homeowners looking for a greater sense of community. The tighter-knit the community, the more safe and optimistic one feels. This structure is also ideal for natural leaders and tapping into the leadership potenti...
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Blog Post For Rent By Owner: How to Find Your Way to Being a Successful Landlord

For Rent By Owner: How to Find Your Way to Being a Successful Landlord

Did you recently put up a "for rent by owner" sign? Congratulations; you're one of the 10.3 million people in the US who own a rental property. You have a lot of competition.If you want to ensure your success, read on. Use this landlord advice to generate rental inc...
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Blog Post Turnkey Property Management vs In-House: Which Is Better for Your Chicago Property?

Turnkey Property Management vs In-House: Which Is Better for Your Chicago Property?

Chicago has long been one of the fastest-growing cities in the country. It's filled with business opportunities and jobs for people from all walks of life.This makes the windy city an excellent choice for astute property investors wanting to earn passive rental income from th...
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