The Power of Home Staging: Transforming Your Property for Sale

The Power of Home Staging: Transforming Your Property for Sale

82% of buyer's agents say that home staging made it easier for their clients to visualize themselves in a property.

If you're planning on selling your home, it's important to portray it in the best light. When people are looking at listings online, a staged home will catch their eye more quickly. If they choose to book a viewing, as mentioned above, staging will help them picture what it'd be like to live in your home.

Other than the minor cost of home staging, there are very few downsides. In today's post, we'll discuss the power of home staging and give you a few home staging techniques to try out. Staging a house gives it a better chance on the market, so keep reading and learn how to do it right.

Making an Impression

What home staging does on a base level is make an impression on all prospective buyers. When they click on your listing, they'll see a clean home with neutral decor that just looks good.

First impressions matter, both online and when buyers walk through the door for the first time. If a home looks like a place they'd want to live, you're going to have an easier time making the sale.

De-Personalize Your Space

Home staging is about de-personalization. If a home appears "lived in", it's hard to give buyers the experience they're looking for when viewing potential houses. When you stage the home, your decor is replaced with something simple and, most importantly, impersonal.

You want the buyer to feel like this home could be theirs. Taking your personal belongings out can achieve that when you have a great home staging professional at the helm.

Showcases All Possibilities

Good home staging will showcase all of the interior decorating possibilities that a potential buyer has. When it comes to real estate marketing, few people are looking for a home to move straight into without any changes. A staged home is purposefully neutral so that buyers can see different ways to use different spaces in the home.

It's also worth noting that a staged home is better for photography. Home stagers and real estate photographers often work in tandem to give you the most presentable version of your home.

Proven Sales Tactic

Lastly, home staging is proven to make the home-selling process more effective. For example, 20% of buyer's agents also said that home staging increased the amount their clients offered by as much as 5%.

The cost of home staging varies depending on who you hire. That said, a few hundred dollars to stage a home can make you thousands on a faster, more lucrative home sale.

Home Staging Will Sell Your Home

Home staging is one of the most important real estate marketing moves in 2023. If you're going to make a quick sale for the most possible money, it's incumbent upon you and your realtor to hire a good home stager and showcase your property in the best light.

Are you trying to sell your Chicago-area home? PMI Windy City is among Chicago's best property managers and realtors. To learn more about how we can help you sell your home or manage an investment property, don't hesitate to contact us ASAP.
